Can we talk about the elephant in the room? The market has been generous for a number of years, with recent returns in the double digits. However, we know that the market “giveth” and the market “taketh away.” It’s simply the market’s cyclical nature. I believe that the “taketh away” part is the elephant in the room, and it might be good to acknowledge its presence. I’m not making a… Read More
When Life Changes
When asked, I agreed to become the legal power of attorney, health care power of attorney and executrix for two beloved family members. Naively, I thought it would be years and years before I would be called upon. Wrong. On July 3rd of this year, these two family members were in a serious car accident, leaving one in the trauma unit and the other, challenged with dementia, scared and frightened… Read More
A New Venture
After nearly fourteen years of serving clients at Master’s, I will be moving into a completely different line of work. Starting in December, I will be leading a team who will serve seniors who want to stay in their homes, but for various reasons, cannot care for themselves. The decision to leave Master’s was not an easy one. I have thoroughly enjoyed my interactions with each of you who have… Read More
Blog Series: The 401k Marketplace
In the last several years the Department of Labor has taken steps to put policies and procedures in place that are focused on protecting clients and retirement plan participants by requiring advisors to be more transparent in every aspect of their relationship with their clients. Requiring advisors to work in the best interest of their clients is a mandate in the industry that we applaud and welcome. Following are some… Read More
Blog Series: The 401(k) Marketplace
Investment choices lie at the heart of a company sponsored retirement plan, and having access to excellent choices gives the participants in the plan an investing advantage. Master’s internal Investment Review Committee (IRC) follows a structured process when evaluating and selecting investment options for a plan. Our investment analysis begins with an investment company’s plan platform. Many platforms create a “pay-to-play” arrangement where the employer is required to include a… Read More
Blog Series: The 401(k) Marketplace
Employers who have established a retirement plan for their employees have taken an important first step in investing in their employees’ futures. Plan participant education is an essential aspect of the 401(k), and our approach to participant education is holistic and intentional. Employees who choose to participate in the plan attend a series of individual meetings specifically designed to address key issues that help them gauge their retirement readiness. Each… Read More
Blog Series: The 401(k) Marketplace
Over the last few decades we have seen a massive shift in the retirement landscape. In the past the typical employee got a job at a stable company, stayed there for a few decades and retired with a pension that was guaranteed for life. Although a few of these situations still exist, in today’s ‘normal’ employees move freely from one employer to another and shoulder the bulk of the responsibility… Read More
Prudent Decision-Making for Investors
Earlier this month, the US stock market established new all-time highs, as measured by the Dow, S&P 500, and the NASDAQ. While we all have enjoyed the strong investment returns, it would be wise to take a step back and look at the facts. The markets have been, and always will be, cyclical in nature. The current “bull market” is now more than 8 years old. It’s been almost 9… Read More
Is Estate Planning for Everyone?
Most of the news we hear about estate planning involves the rich and famous who either planned poorly or failed to plan for the distribution of their assets after their death, but you don’t need to be rich and famous to have an estate planning need. Estate planning is very broad and can apply to just about anyone. What is an estate, and what is estate planning? “An estate is… Read More
Managing Transitions
Navigating a major life transition can be a very unsettling experience for any of us. If the change is unexpected and unwanted – the loss of a job or a sudden unexpected illness – the shock can be greater. We are out of our comfort zone as we face an unknown future. I remember two defining moments in my career that involved working with clients who were going through life… Read More