One evening recently, I was reading a book to my kids that, unintentionally, offered valuable money management insights. The plotline is about two squirrels trying to find food to save up for winter. One squirrel spent his year having fun and not bothering to store up anything. The other squirrel was obsessed with storing up any food he could find and had accumulated more food than he would ever need,… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Election Results & Your Investments
You don’t need me to tell you that we are in the midst of another presidential election year. The leading news stories over the last few weeks have been filled with major developments for both parties and their respective candidates. From the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, and the Republican National Convention, to President Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential election race, significant election race happenings have dominated the… Read More
The Master’s Minute – The Two Sides of Diversification
Investing in a diversified portfolio is a cornerstone of our investment philosophy at Master’s. Extensive academic literature suggests that diversification not only reduces risk but also smooths returns and, over time, tends to outperform individual stock, sectors, or indices. However, diversification comes with its challenges. One significant drawback is that in a diversified portfolio, there will always be investments that do not perform as well as others. This might seem… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Cash Savings Options Overview
From 2022 to 2023, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates 11 times, moving short-term interest rate targets from a low of 0%-0.25% to their current level of 5.25%-5.50%. This change provides an opportunity to evaluate if your cash savings are positioned to take advantage of these rate increases. The approach to choosing the right place to park your savings is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Here is a comparison of cash savings options… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Beat the Heat with Great Customer Service
Several evenings ago, Colleen and I took our Mustang GT convertible out for a drive & stopped for a quick dinner on a local restaurant’s patio. It was a very warm June evening, but we cruised for a bit more before returning home. Walking through the door into our house, we were met by a refreshing blast of air conditioning that just felt wonderful! The a/c was working perfectly, and… Read More
The Master’s Minute – In Your Corner
We have all sought out our circle of friends and family when it comes to advice, from restaurant choices to vacation destinations, and bigger things like when to retire. These are the folks we consider to be ‘in our corner.’ This group builds you up, cheers you on, holds you accountable, and adds value to your life. They invest their time in you, challenge you to be the best version… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Join Us On The Ride
When I was probably about 10 years old, I went on my first big roller coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg with my Dad. I was very nervous about this ride, and Dad was trying to keep me calm as we waited in line. Right before we were about to board, he pointed out a sign that said how many people had rode the coaster (4 million + or so) and… Read More
The Master’s Minute – What Are Your Benchmarks?
In the investing world, it is typical for an investment manager to have their performance compared to a benchmark. A benchmark serves as a neutral measuring stick for potential investors to compare the success or failure of that investment manager. If the manager has worse returns than the benchmark, a conclusion is drawn that they have ‘underperformed”, while if they have better returns, the conclusion is that they have ‘outperformed’…. Read More
The Master’s Minute – Angels in Our Midst
I first met Chaplain Elizabeth at Lancaster General Hospital three years ago. She had left numerous voice messages for me about an accident in which my cousin and her husband had been involved. Having never been to LGH’s Emergency Department, I prayed heartily to God on the drive to the hospital that He would lead me to the right place. Not able to find a parking space near Emergency, I… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Heart Auditing
Most individuals do not get a warm feeling when they hear the term, audit. Typically, an audit means a lot of tedious work, and it can produce significant anxiety should any large discrepancies be found. Though an audit can cause some anxious moments, there is also a lot of good that can come from performing an audit. Performing audits in a retail business will help achieve higher inventory accuracy and… Read More