From time to time, I take a class at the gym called Grit. It’s a half hour of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It’s called Grit for a reason. Usually after about 10 minutes of the class, my brain is telling me that I really don’t need to be working this hard and it would be fine to stop.
Most of the things that have value in our lives are only achieved with consistent perseverance and hard work. It is our human nature to get tired, and that’s when we are tempted to give up. It can take some significant grit or mental toughness to push onward.
As we launch into 2022, it’s natural to be thinking about our routines and activities. You might be thinking about what to start doing this year and perhaps other things to stop. I would also encourage you to consider the hard things you been doing that you need to keep fighting for.
Following are several things that are worth the fight even if you are weary:
- Long-term goals – Sometimes our goals seem so far away and it’s tempting to rob something from tomorrow to get what we want right now.
- Good works – Helping others is often exhausting and may come with little or no current benefits.
- Convictions – Most virtuous actions don’t happen naturally. They take effort and intentionality.
- Values – The things that are most important in life can often get overlooked with our busy and hectic lives.
- Health – Mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health are hard to measure. Because we can’t look at a gauge to see our current state of health, it takes disciple to maintain health in all areas of life.
As we enter a new year, be ready to exert some effort in one or more of these areas where you determine it’s worth the fight. Where have you seen the benefits of grit in the past? We would love to hear your stories!