At Master’s, our tagline is “Managing Wealth for a Life of Purpose”. I recently had several conversations about finding purpose in life.
Retirement is often viewed as a panacea for the stress and struggles that come with fulltime employment. We imagine that waking up whenever we want and not having a lengthy list of tasks and deadlines will be fabulous. In addition, we can fill our schedules with all the fun activities we never had time for when we were working fulltime.
Our occupation naturally provides many of us with a sense of meaning and purpose. So, when we retire, there is a risk that we could lose our sense of direction and find ourselves wondering aimlessly from one random activity to the next.
Finding your purpose is a personal journey that requires self-discovery. Yes, others can give you helpful insight, but it’s unlikely someone else will suddenly hand you your missing purpose.
Following are some observations and thoughts that might be helpful if you or someone you know is struggling to find purpose in life:
- Admit you are struggling to find purpose – Any meaningful journey starts with the revelation that you need a change.
- Talk about it with those you trust – Even though others can’t give you your purpose, they might be able to encourage you and perhaps help you discover something new about yourself.
- Make a list of things that bring you joy – What activities give you true joy? Where do you find lasting joy in contrast to temporary happiness?
- Think through what comes easy for you – We each have unique gifts and abilities. We’re usually at our best when we are using our God-given gifts and abilities.
- Keep your eyes open for opportunities – There could be an opportunity right in front of you that may help connect you to your purpose.
Without purpose, life is just an ongoing process of passing time and can easily lead to a state of despair. Finding purpose and meaning in life is worth the effort and pursuit.
We love to hear your stories. Where have you found purpose in life and how did you discover it?