Over the last few weeks, we have been highlighting various sketches drawn by the popular author and speaker, Carl Richards. I love the sketch above; it serves as a great reminder. Every day, we are bombarded with headlines and life events we need to sort through. This sketch provides a nice filter that we can use to discern how to respond.
We can all face the temptation to worry, especially about things that are out of our control. However, before we react impulsively, it is a good practice to slow down and assess the situation. When we quickly react to our feelings of fear or stress, our emotional response can often lead us to a poor decision with negative outcomes.
I find that asking two simple questions can provide me the perspective I need in the heat of the moment. First, is this something that matters to me or my family when considering our personal values and goals? Secondly, is this something I can change, influence, or control? If the answer to one or both of these questions is “no”, you can leave this matter off your checklist.
While we do not always have a say in what events come our way, we do have a say in how we choose to respond. We all have limited amounts of time and energy. We should choose to spend time and energy on the things that matter to us and that we can control.