Our current society is overwhelmed with sources of information on, well, everything!
The evening newscasts usually include an update on the latest scam alert, meant to keep us informed and educated on the ways in which we can protect ourselves. We all have created our own list of “trusted sources” for times when we just aren’t confident in the source of information.
Your shortlist of trusted sources might include attorneys and tax professionals, but we certainly hope the team at Master’s is high on that list as well. Please know that we are always here to help with situations you encounter when uncertainty makes you ask questions.
We take your trust to heart and put in the work to be sure you are receiving the answers you need.
A Christmas Message from Master’s
Especially during this Christmas season, we also acknowledge that there is one other source that needs to be on our trusted list.
- Mary boldly trusted the Source of the angel Gabriel’s message that her son would be called the Most High.
- Joseph obeyed the Source of his dream and married Mary.
- The shepherds trusted the Source of the angels’ message of great joy and left the hills in search of the newborn King.
- The Magi trusted the Source of the bright star and followed it for years.
This Christmas season, may you trust God
to be your source of hope and faith.
~Merry Christmas from the team at Master’s~