The year 2015 marks the 10th anniversary of the passing of my father-in-law, Aaron H. Hollinger. I had the privilege of knowing him for almost 25 years. We had many great conversations over that time. His perspective was unique in that he was a minister, bishop and church leader while also being an entrepreneur and business owner. We could talk about most anything. Often times our conversations would head down… Read More
Winning Teams
This summer has been filled with helping coach my son’s baseball team. It’s fun teaching young men how to work together as a cohesive team. There are challenges with managing egos and emotions that can get in the way of performance, but when the team clicks, it is something to watch. The team runs likes a well-oiled machine when each player understands his role and responsibilities at his specific position… Read More
Are We Living up to the Hype?
On December 5th, Master’s held our annual Christmas event. As usual, we had great food at the Eden Resort, beautiful Christmas music from Madeline Bender and a powerful message from Brian Black. As I received many compliments on behalf of those who made the event so special, it was a conversation that happened before the event that stuck out to me. I was talking to a couple I know well,… Read More