Each morning I like to scan the financial news to get the pulse of the market. I usually try to stay away from the opinion pieces, but every once in a while a catchy headline draws me in. “Economist guru says we are heading for another recession!” “Highly respected professor insists the current market run will continue!” I usually think to myself, “How can all of these intelligent, well informed… Read More
I’ll Tell You What I Miss!
I was reading a sports article this winter, and I came across this quote from Scott Rolen, a former Major League Baseball third baseman. He started his career with the Philadelphia Phillies, the team I enjoy following. He recently retired from baseball, and during this year’s spring training he was asked what he misses about baseball since his retirement. “I’ll tell you what I miss,” he said. “I miss the… Read More
The Risk-Free Investment
You may know that a jackalope is a creature similar to a jackrabbit with antelope horns or deer antlers and sometimes a pheasant’s tail. (You may not know that a group of jackalopes is known as a flaggerdoot.) “What,” you might ask, “does a jackalope have to do with the topic of investing?” We’ll get to that later. In the world of investing, it is important to remember that risk… Read More
The Great Wealth Transfer
In the late 1990s a small group of Boston College researchers wrote a paper projecting an enormous transfer of wealth via inheritance. They estimated that over 40 trillion dollars would change hands to an inheriting generation within the first 50 years of the current decade. This theory became known as “The Great Wealth Transfer.” Since their writing, other experts have given varying opinions as to the overall amount of projected… Read More
A Life of Purpose
Maybe life for you is routine where each day blends into the next. Or perhaps the demands of life have made your schedule so hectic that busyness steals time away from you, and you often ask yourself “Where did the time go?” “What did I actually accomplish today?” Life often feels quite ordinary leaving us to wonder what impact we are making with the life we’ve been given. God has… Read More
The Value of Relationships
Every year we have a special thank you dinner for those clients that have referred a potential client to us, regardless of if that referral becomes a client or not. It is an enjoyable evening of fellowship and thanks to those willing to share with others how we might benefit a potential client. At recent gatherings clients have been able to make new friends and share everything from great hunting… Read More
Are We Living up to the Hype?
On December 5th, Master’s held our annual Christmas event. As usual, we had great food at the Eden Resort, beautiful Christmas music from Madeline Bender and a powerful message from Brian Black. As I received many compliments on behalf of those who made the event so special, it was a conversation that happened before the event that stuck out to me. I was talking to a couple I know well,… Read More
Providing Consistent and Relevant Communication
Welcome to our first official Master’s Advisors Blog! Providing consistent and relevant communication is one of the ways we serve our client base. For a number of years on a quarterly basis, we have mailed a newsletter as well as a letter written by each partner. In a continued effort to provide consistent and relevant communication, we are launching a blog/email blast. Recently, we completed a website overhaul. Although we… Read More