It’s hard to believe we are approaching the holiday season, and the celebration of Thanksgiving is just days away. Where has this year gone? I truly enjoy this season and all this particular holiday represents, as giving thanks and expressing gratitude take “center stage”. It only seems appropriate to use this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to each of you, our Master’s clients and friends. Simply put, our business… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Giving to Give
When Congress passed the new tax laws for 2018, one of the biggest changes was the increase in the standard deduction. This increase meant that significantly less Americans would itemize deductions. Many commentators were worried that this change would lead to a decrease in charitable giving. The law raised the after-tax costs of donating by 7%, according to The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. As it turns out, this change did… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Be Resilient!
I recently met with a friend who experienced a significant health challenge. He currently is in the recovery phase but still is unable to work and do many of the things he was used to doing. What struck me was his attitude. He told me, “I think this challenge was a present from God. It caused me to stop and evaluate what is really important in life. It gave me… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Changing of the Seasons
From the expansive windows in our office, I can see the trees beginning to make the shift into their Fall wardrobe. Another Summer season has come and gone and a new season is before us. I see this shift to a new season happening for my Mother as well. Her husband (my father) died this past July after 66 years of marriage. She is now facing a move to downsize… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Buyer’s Remorse
Do you remember the last time you had Buyer’s Remorse? Hopefully, it was over something trivial, but do you know where Buyer’s Remorse comes from? Buyer’s Remorse is the aftermath of an emotional decision that is not aligned with our values and goals. When we regret a decision we have made, it is almost always due to the fact that we acted on emotion. Our immediate response to anything that… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Living in Alignment
I recently attended a workshop for financial advisors that focused on helping our clients (and us) live “in alignment”. The definition of living in alignment is having your values, goals and financial behaviors all working together consistently. What hinders our ability to live in alignment is simple: it’s our emotions. With money, it is especially easy to make decisions based on emotions as opposed to making decisions based on our… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Calling All Leaders!
Is it just me, or has all the noise coming out of Washington become increasingly frustrating? How can anything good be accomplished when individuals are bent on pursuing their individual, or party-specific interests at any cost! One side seems driven by hatred and revenge, while the other side resorts to name-calling and ill-advised tweets. Both sides have done their part to severely damage the reputation of good leadership. Where have… Read More
The Master’s Minute – The Power of Fundamentals
Life is complicated. Sometimes more complicated than it needs to be. Complexity often causes stress and angst in decision making. When I am overwhelmed, I benefit from the times when I step back and remember the fundamentals. Since it’s football season, why not share an example of the importance of fundamentals from the complicated game of football. Legendary Green Bay Packer coach, Vince Lombardi, became the head coach of the… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Prepare, Don’t Repair
I was recently listening to a podcast featuring Mitch Anthony, a well-known communications expert in our industry. He said something that resonated with me in relation to our clients: “It’s better to prepare than to repair.” I think this is an outstanding philosophy when it comes to financial planning and to life in general. Sometimes, preparedness can feel overdone. We may think it makes little sense to spend so much… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Prudent Investing
My high school science teacher used to say, “The only thing predictable about the weather is that it’s going to be unpredictable.” This seems to hold true for the economy and the stock market as well. Consider the following: In a July 2, 2018, article that appeared in the ftJournal, nearly 50% of the economic experts polled believed the next U.S. recession would occur in 2020. Approximately 25% said it… Read More