Recently, the team at Master’s had another OTB week. An OTB (On the Business) week means that we take a pause from our normal business activities to focus on team building, specific internal projects, and brainstorming on how to enhance our advice, service, and client relationships. During that week we watched a video promoting the idea of treating each client as a welcomed and honored guest. One of our team… Read More
The Master’s Minute – What’s the Point? (4 of 4)
What’s the point of integrating our emotions into financial decisions? We can be led to believe that all financial decisions are a simple equation. We can run the calculations and get a YES or NO without having to consider the emotional impact! It is true that calculations are a big factor in making financial decisions, but without integrating our emotions and values into the decision-making process, we could end up… Read More
The Master’s Minute – What’s the Point? (3 of 4)
What’s the point of being successful anyway? Weren’t we always told that we need to get good grades in school, so we could get a good job, so we could save enough money, so we could have a nice retirement? And isn’t a nice retirement what we all really want? I recently met with a client who was staring retirement in the face. After many years of hard work building… Read More
The Master’s Minute – What’s the Point? (2 of 4)
What’s the point of all this long-term investing stuff? I will be the first to admit that the day-trading mentality with which we are constantly bombarded sounds much more exciting! At Master’s, we quickly grow weary of articles, tv shows and opinions that the media throws at us that they call investing. We like to remind ourselves and our clients that all these outlets are in the entertainment business,… Read More
The Master’s Minute – What’s the Point? (1 of 4)
What’s the point of financial planning anyway? According to a 2017 survey by, nearly 80% of American workers live paycheck to paycheck. If these statistics are any indication, it doesn’t seem like most people put much effort toward planning for their financial future. I recently had a conversation with a couple who has been diligently saving for their retirement years. After some analysis, I commented that they were on… Read More
The Master’s Minute – Introduction
We are excited to announce our new initiative to you – The Master’s Minute! We are replacing our twice per month long-form blog with shorter, more frequent weekly posts. This shift will also bring a more conversational writing style with it, looking to engage you as a reader in a new way. Our focus will continue to be on what we do every day for our clients and dive deeper… Read More
Master’s Advisors has recently begun a new, exciting tradition. Known as “On the Business” or “OTB,” for short, it is a week each calendar quarter that is dedicated time for the Master’s team to: • focus on learning new technology and improving existing systems and procedures to enhance our service to our clients, • hold discussions on improving the client experience here at Master’s, • work on business projects within… Read More
Define Your WHY
Freedom, flexibility and family. These are the most common words we hear when we talk with our clients about the WHY behind their financial goals. We spend a lot of time talking about these WHYs because we believe that we need to know our clients’ core motivations before we establish financial goals and actions. By discovering the motivation behind the pursuit of your financial goals we can have more impactful… Read More
Charitable Giving with RMDs
Once you reach age 70½, Uncle Sam wants you to start paying taxes on at least a portion of your IRA or 401k balance. He gets you to do that by requiring you to withdraw a percentage of money from your tax-deferred account, and every dollar that you withdraw from your IRA or 401k is taxed as ordinary income. The minimum amount that you must withdraw each year is not… Read More
A Season of Gratitude
Our previous blog post, written by my associate Tim Tyson, encouraged all of us to approach the Christmas season with an attitude of generosity. Well, Christmas of 2018 has come and gone. I hope you were able to both practice and graciously receive generosity. As I reflect on this season, and the past year, my mind goes to another important attribute – gratitude! Gratitude comes from a heart that is… Read More